Does anyone remember 'The Bohrok Chronicles'?

Howdy all, I've been working on a small Bionicle project after being sober from the franchise for a long time and suddenly woke up this morning remembering a very very specific fan series that was on YouTube way back in the day now.

I believe it was called 'The Bohrok Chronicles' or something to that effect? It was a stop motion (More slideshow) series of three Bohrok going on adventures.
Not based on actual Bionicle Lore at all. There was another group of featuring a Bohrok, a Bohrok Va and a Rakshi that never met the other group thought were set up too eventually? though I think the series died before that happened.

I've spent this morning trying to find it again but I thought I'd ask the hive mind here as I am struggling to find any evidence of the series at all.