How do I stop feeling so gross and worthless after my body was destroyed?

Our society puts so much pressure on women to bounce back after pregnancy. I figured because I was young when I got pregnant that I’d still be able to get back to my pre-pregnancy normal, but I really don’t think I will. My diastasis recti is severe. My skin quality is awful. I look permanently pregnant, and really just all around terrible. The damage done to my stomach is just absolutely atrocious and looks disgusting. I feel like our culture attributes so much of a woman’s value to her looks, and I feel like i just lost a lot of my value as a person in many people’s eyes. I’m afraid my husband is going to leave me and doesn’t find me attractive anymore (no, he hasn’t actually said anything to indicate this). But he’s a really nice guy, and I don’t think he’d actually say anything to me even if he was struggling to find me attractive now. I feel like so ugly and disgusting now. Like nobody will ever want to look at me naked ever again, including my own husband and I’m going to end up alone because of how hideous I look now. My body has been absolutely destroyed. My body just went from looking 24 to looking 45 in just 9 months. I’m younger than my husband, but postpartum, my body looks over 15+ years older than his now.