For some context: I have been a fishkeeper for almost 3 years. Over this time, I have put so much time, effort, and money into making a good home for my fishies. My best friend has been there for me throughout. While I don't think she completely understood, she always listened to me talk about it, and has even gone with me to pet stores to help.
Last week, I got an excited text from her telling me that she bought a betta. She sent me pictures and her betta was in a bowl. a bowl. with colored gravel, and plastic decoration, and some gnarly fin rot.
When I confronted her about this, she told me that she "didn't need to be an excellent fishkeeper like me" and that she "just wanted bathrom decor". I've offered to take her fish, and buy her supplies, but she insists on not taking my help. I have educated her since then, but I really don't think she listened at all.
I feel kind of... betrayed? Like, she knows better, but deliberately didn't ask me for advice, or listen to me when I gave her it. She knows how strongly I feel about things like this, and now she's getting annoyed at me because I keep trying to give her things to help. I'm just so frustrated and angry it feels like she has no right to be mad at me.
Not very coherent, sorry, I just needed to rant
UPDATE in case anyone's wondering: I have bought her the supplies, and "forced" her to set up a 5 gallon tank with some of my filter media to start the cycling process. She was incredibly reluctant throughout, and even mentioned the betta being happier in the bowl. All this to say: the betta is in a better environment now, at least compared to the bowl.
Due to some recent (personal) developments about her, I have decided to just let this go, and take the L. She has been my friend for almost a decade, and I don't think it'll be healthy for either of us to fall out just based on this.
Thanks everyone for your support and advice though, it is massively appreciated.