Currently 2 days sober from Xanax
Ok so I was heavily addicted to Xanax for a long time and 2 days ago I decided to quit them finally. I am already in a mental hospital(not rehab but somewhat of support bc a lot of amazing people here are supporting me) but on the first day I didn’t do them I wasn’t able to eat anything, in the same night I wasn’t able to sleep and was in a full on psychosis for 4 hours after that I was laying in my bathroom unconscious with some staff watching me. After like 24 hours of being clean I had a seizure while talking to someone and just hit my head on the table, I passed out for like 20 mins, I also lost a piece of a tooth while doing that. I am now 48 hours clean and it feels horrible. I was at like 15mg per day for a few months. When does this get better? Like when am I able to eat and sleep again?