How often do you wear sunscreen/under what conditions?

This is something that has been on my mind on and off as I've been perfecting my skincare routine. Sunscreen is a bit of a finicky topic for me as

A. I don't like the smell of most sunscreen

B. I don't like the oily feel of sunscreen, and even a little breaks me out (even if it's dedicated to being specifically for the face/skincare)

C. Over the summer I wore sunscreen only when I'd be directly outside, such as taking my dog for a walk. But even with only a little and letting it settle on my skin for a bit, it inevitably got into my eyes almost every single time I went out even without putting the sunscreen under/around my eyes

Obviously I know sunscreen is important to skincare, sun protection overall is important, ans I've wondered how often other people use sunscreen and what varieties others use. I don't go outside all too often anyways besides going for walks, my job being indoors and an eight minute drive, I just don't have any good experiences with sunscreen in my skincare routine, so I'd like to hear others routines with sunscreen!

Edit: Another thing on my mind, how often do you reapply it even when inside?