What are your "unknown" skincare tips?
No need to mention the regular stuff like exercise, sleep, diet, sunscreen, tretinoin or double cleansing unless you have a special take on it. Do mention: treatments, products, small things you do, derm advice, tricks for special events.
With a focus on acne and hyperpigmentation, here are mine:
(a) Don't wet your face before washing. Lather face wash in your hands and massage into dry skin. This helps dirt to adhere better to the soap.
(b) If your face gets more oily throughout the day, cleanse in the afternoon instead of morning. Carrying a travel size cleanser is a game changer for me.
(c) If a product is not working for you, it could be the combination you're using it with. For instance, if BP doesn't help your pimples, use BP and clindamycin together. If sunscreen breaks you out, use tret at night (a trick I learned from this sub). If you want hyperpigmentation to fade faster, pair tranexamic acid with tret.
(d) Okay, this one is odd. Constipation causes skin issues. What helps is coffee, as it stimulates the intestinal tract. But it may not work for some as it is also a diuretic (ie. more water loss). I also have eczema flares after exercising and my derm says it is likely because of muscle inflammation. I theorize that at times, your facial muscles can get tired, and facial massage helps to relieve any muscle inflammation that causes skin issues. But don't do it and pull the skin when it is already irritated.