It’s dumb
I just got a hair trim at my friend behest. His barber cut my beard so short I’m physically ill. I know it’s dumb, but I’m so pissed off and everyone keeps asking to see my cut but annoyed that I don’t like the length. Idc if it looks fine or good. I was happy with how long it was and they about took my Fucking beard back to my chin. And god damn it frustrates me. I used to love playing with it at that length. Now I keep reaching for it and it’s not there. I even hate how much lighter it feels. They fucked my hair up too which doesn’t really concern me. But god damn. I know it’ll grow back, in a half a fucking year, but come on. I just got it. I was happy with it. I only wanted a trim to get the loose hairs out of the way. Not take the whole god damn thing back to formula. And I know I’m being an ass. I know people have real problems. Hell my grandma just died and I’m burying her Saturday and this... is just so fucking annoying. I told them I was growing it out and I wanted the length. Not to short. Ugh. And again I know how not a big deal this is but fuck me. I can’t escape it. It’s a living reminder hanging off my face. Fuck. Fuck I know how dumb and bad this is. But god damn. I miss my beard. It’s dumb but it’s true.