Posted here 23 days ago and my symptoms have gotten alot worse.
I want to start by thanking everyone for the feedback on my last post. It helped alot. I read back mechanic and starting to question my physical therapy.
I had little sciatica flare ups that were easily controlled in my right leg, randomly for a few months, no back pain. I'm a very active person and thought it was a pinch in my glute. Got an Xray and Doc started me on physical therapy while waiting for my Mri and CT scan.
Results: I have a herniated disc pinching my spinal cord L4-L5, a crushed disc L5-S1 L5 slipped,, L3-L4 not looking good but still hanging in, plus bone spurs in L4-L5.
Physical therapy has me doing alot of hamstring and glute stretches. Also core but I was doing alot of core prior (plank, side plank, bird dog). Feels great when im doing the physical therapy stretches but in a month my symptoms got worse vert fast. Sciatica left my right leg but is now far worse in my left leg and I have back pain now. Last few weeks sitting is so uncomfortable I just avoid it 100% besides short car trips. Walking and cycling machines felt great but last few days are starting to bug me too. Today my leg has been numb for multiple hours straight. Doc said the physical therapy won't work, keep doing it if I want but I'll need a double fusion. Find out my surgery date this week.
Only other changes is i stopped yoga after i saw my Xrays, gym lifting changed to push ups and I stopped the sauna once sitting became uncomfortable.
I'd really appreciate any advise or experience with this. I guess my goal is to be as comfortable as possible while I wait on surgey. Thanks in advance!