Why do you guys care about sex?
I’m a girl and I’m mostly around girls, I have nothing against guys or anything but one thing I have noticed that not all but definitely a lot are very obsessed with the idea of sex, and really really wanting it. I’ve seen a lot of guys crying and actually get depressed and threaten to off themselves because they haven’t lost their virginity. And I’m not shaming anyone but I just don’t really understand why. It doesn’t look that fun, it doesn’t really make life any better, and it can be really dangerous.
Everyone gets horny every now and then I guess but you kinda just let the feeling pass? Me and my female friends have never really expressed such an extreme desire for it. I don’t even think it’s necessary in relationships. I’m not trying to shame anyone I don’t think there’s anything wrong I’m just REALLY curious because I’ve never really understood why you guys are really obsessed with it.