Would Oedipus-style prophecy or time travel imply fatalism or be problematic for compatibilism?

Suppose it was possible to see your own future, either through time travel or an oracle or w/e. The future you see is your actual future, it's not a possibility, and it can't be altered because it it already exists. Suppose also you don't like this future and want to change it.

Let's also assume a deterministic eternalist universe. Given this, there should be no way to alter the outcome of what you saw. Somehow, someway, your decisions will lead you to the fate you wish to avoid, and any attempt you make to avoid it was already "taken into account" by that future.

Would this be problematic for compatibilism or imply fatalism?

I think get the normal compatibilist arguments and they make sense, but a situation where I know I have an unavoidable future feels different.