Heart rate at rest is always fluctuating.
30 Male 140 pounds 5’7 Non smoker Non drinker No drugs Ontario Canada
Hi, I’m just wondering if anyone has heard of similar things happening and could give me some insight into how normal/abnormal this may be.
I believe I suffer from a form of dysautonomia but have not been officially diagnosed.
I don’t seem to have a baseline resting heart rate. It can be as low as 67 at rest or as high as 95. Even the slightest movement can make my heart rate jump from 70-90 while laying in bed. Sometimes from laying down to standing and walking 10 feet it will increase to 120 from 70s or 80s.
The only time my heart is stable is when I am sleeping and it’s a cool 67-70. Apart from that it doesn’t matter if I sit down for the entire day it will fluctuate from 70-100.
I’m having a hard time doing anything and staying in bed most days. I have an upcoming cardio appointment on December the second so I’m looking forward to that.