I am extremely confused about my sexually identity or lack there of

Hello. F22 here. Autistic. I think this is my first time posting on this subreddit and I am just really confused. I have no sex drive. Absolutely none. I don't see a need for it. In past relationships I have done the deed but whenever I look back on it I'm never sure if I've actually really enjoyed it for myself if that makes sense. It's more like "oh it seems as though I'm making this person happy. That's good:)" I have had a few different partners and it has been the same every time. Any sexual acts just don't do anything for me. I mainly wait for it to be over so we can just relax and do anything else. Now don't get me wrong I wasn't forced into any of these situations. I willingly got into all of them. I am just extremely confused. I have been with my current partner now for over a year and 3 months ish. We have had a handful of intimate moments. He has a normal sex drive. I regularly ask him if he is okay with little to no sexual acts and he says he's completely fine with it but I can't help but feel terrible about it. I feel like I can't fulfil a need of his if that makes sense but in my head I see no need for sex. I think everything else in a relationship far outweighs it and I just don't find it necessary. It's messy and tedious and just doesn't appeal to me whatsoever. I have no idea if I am asexual or if I just have a severely low libido. I am also on medication that I have been on since I was 14 for lupus (a chronic autoimmune disease) but I'm not sure if that would cause anything like this because I have been on them for so long or maybe the pills have just permanently altered my brain chemistry. I very much apologise if this is the wrong subreddit or if I am being inappropriate for posting this on here. I am just utterly confused. I have seen the term sexual attraction used and I'm not sure if I fully understand it. I can find people "hot" and attractive and pretty. But I can't grasp the concept of being sexually attracted to someone I guess. Does it mean you find them hot but to a different level? Does it mean you want to have sexual relations with them?or does it mean that you are just simply attracted to them? I love my partner very much and am very much attracted to him. I just don't understand the term sexual attraction I guess. Thank you to anyone who has read this post and to anyone who may leave feedback and/or advice I forgot to add this in but I have googled to oblivion and beyond about this topic and whenever I see posts on how to "fix it" or how to get my "libido back" I get frustrated because that's not necessarily what I want. I get angry because why do I need to change it? If that makes sense