Warranty request over delamination rejected - reasonable?

A couple of weeks ago I submitted a warranty request to Arcteryx Germany over my seven year old Beta AR jacket delaminating in the shoulders and a couple of other areas (e.g. around some zips). The jacket has been treated well (washed regularly, is in very good nick overall, as the first image shows), and been used for a couple dozen hill walks in the Scottish highlands, a bit of trekking, and maybe half a dozen climbing outings. Beyond that it has mostly seen city use (commuting and general wear).

A couple of days ago I got an eMail that simply said that 'the repair centre has deemed the jacket unrepairable', apologised for my inconvenience (they took a bit longer to process the request due to Christmas time), and wished me a nice day. At the time I simply accepted that decision - didn't seem unreasonable for a seven year old jacket. Today I asked Reddit for recommendations for a new hardshell, but several people are telling me to file a warranty request with Arcteryx or Gore as they think I'd have a strong claim.

So now I am reconsidering whether I should continue to press the warranty issue with Arcteryx. I have attached some images below - do you guys think I am being unreasonable? Is Arcteryx right in saying that the jacket below has reached the end of its reasonable lifetime?





Hard to see, but the entire crease is delaminated (detached from layer below)