Get ready… this is a spicy one.
Since starting this subreddit I’ve been able to see responses from u/NoahKagan and other staff that lurk in the shadows here.
I owe nothing to them, and I’m not associated with AppSumo in any way.
I’m saying all of this because I truly believe that Noah and the staff are buckling down on this bullshit from companies and want to build the best LTD marketplace possible. This subreddit is assisting in their mission to do just that because they are able to see the shady bullshit that these companies send in emails and notifications that AppSumo otherwise wouldn’t know about first hand.
Why I’m writing this…
How are you going to blame the platform for a shitty dev that can’t scale their startup? It’s not the platform at fault, and because of how old the deal is, how would you expect a refund from AppSumo?
Would you return your iPhone 12 to Best Buy or your local electronics store when Apple deems it obselete and unable to receive updates and call them a shitty company when they refuse to give your money back? No. Because that’s ridiculous.
If you don’t want to gamble on startups, don’t use AppSumo. It’s as simple as that. But putting the blame on the platform just makes us look dumb.
AppSumo even posted a disclaimer on the product page for stating what the company did. This was ballsy and I respect it.
TLDR; Blame the company, not AppSumo
**Edit: I have read all of these comments and I’m genuinely seeing both sides at this point. I still think it’s important that this subreddit is more effective when we’re constructive rather than negative. The CEO (Noah) and COO (Ilona) of AppSumo are in this subreddit and are able to see how to improve the platform. That is a huge benefit for us to be able to get the changes we want implemented.
If we are posting APPSUMO IS A SCAM, do you think they are going to give you a second glance? No.
If we highlight REAL issues with processes and raise awareness, then they will see these issues and treat them as credible and make changes as needed. Most of you did that, and that’s why I really believe changes do need to be made, and I appreciate the discussion.
Another TL;DR: There is legitimate change in systems and processes that need to be made with deal acquisition and vetting, but let’s remain civil about it. Nobody’s getting scammed.**