Best Roof/Attic antenna compromise between 70cm / 2 meters and GMRS

Need to improve my antenna and I am looking for the best UHF/VHF antenna that could also operate on GMRS bands or vice-versa a GMRS antenna that covers UHF/VHF decently as well. (VHF a plus but not priority)

Repeaters are around 20/30 mile range, not too many nearby and I live in HOA so in the Attic it goes.

I have now a UAYESOK 17 inch fiberglass antenna there, (400-470mhz GMRS Base Antenna) and I am hitting a GMRS repeater 33 miles away. This little antena is awesome and it is just $27 but I trying to improve even more.

Tried a W9TAX Slim Jim J-Pole and it was worse than a HT rubber duckie, so looking more for a vertical fiberglass or aluminum model around 5/6ft height.

I am aware it will be hard to find an antenna with low SRW on all 3 bands but most radios today will work fine with SWR up to 2.0 or so in one of the bands.