Airbnb guest used 900GB in 2-3 hours. Is that sketchy?
If an Airbnb guest used 900GB of data in 2-4 hours on ONE device is that sketchy? Looking at the use and automated texts from Xfinity they downloaded 120GB in 20 minutes. They used 900 out of 1.2TB(1200GB) of our monthly usage. Does that sound even possible? So weird. We never go over, it’s always plenty of data and we opt to pay more for faster speeds for guests, 800mbps instead of unlimited.
We’re now paying $10 for every 50GB used for the last 4 days of the month and I work from home. So we will be paying $100max in overage. We have switched all our devices to using cellular when possible.
- Does this sound sketchy or something I should be concerned about?
- How is that even possible? Is my math correct? Doesn’t seem correct but those are 100% the numbers.
- What do other hosts do in this situation? Happened to anyone else?
- 900GB in a few hours isn't (that) sketchy I guess! - Electric bill is low. Large rapid usage probably due to their work, downloads, video games, IDK, a non-issue. If it was illegal torrenting, or anything illegal, it sounds like it's still a low-risk. Warning letter from ISP.
- UPDATED wifi to UNLIMITED kept 800mbps speed: I talked to 3 people at Xfinity. Each person told me something different, $45 more, $30 more, and finally today.. $10 more with a 1 year contract, and using a checking account for autopay instead of a credit card. Plus they give me a $36 "recent outage credit", and $50 overage credit for this month(waiving overage charges for this month). We might drop speed down to 500mbps based on everyone's suggestions. It would be an additional $10 less per month(same price we were paying originally). Won't do it until after the current guests checks out so they can enjoy the same speed they've been used to while they're staying here.
** New Customer Discounts - I also talked to them about canceling my account and setting up a new account with my husband's name to take advantage of new customer discounts and promotions, was an additional $10/month discount. They were 100% willing to help me do all of that, but I had to go back to work, and made more sense to upgrade for now to get the overage charges waived. SO.. we'll be looking out for new customer promotions and switching to his name sometime in the next year.
- Looking for Airbnb Host suggestions - Suggestion on a router/model set up that can throttle mbps and good for Airbnb hosts? Currently using Google Nest and can only pause/block a device. Open to all suggestions! TY!