Does anyone else take way longer than normal getting ready for the day?

I just genuinely can't tell if it's my ADHD or if it's just because I have bad time management skills in general?

I keep thinking that an hour and a half is all the time I need to get ready before the day starts. For example, needing to commute to school at 12:30, so I think I'll have time to do my skincare, get dressed, do my hair, and my makeup if I start getting ready at 10:45-11am. Suddenly it's 12:15 and I'm struggling with my eyeliner and I still haven't gotten out of my towel. I debate whether or not the class is worth going to today, and then if I decide it's not, I take even longer to get ready to go to campus.

One part of me feels like its like that because of my ADHD and with my meds I guess I'm just way too focused on how my liner looks or if my concealer is creasing. Another part just thinks it has to do with my poor time management skills. I used to be able to get ready in less than an hour but then again my makeup routine wasn't as complex as it is now? I'm just not sure what to think.

Does anyone else have this problem, and if so how did you go about solving it? Or... is my bad timing skills really just a character flaw of mine? Any advice and comments are appreciated!

(SUPER LONG) Edit & Update: WOW! Thank you everyone who commented and I'm surprised at how much traction this post got at all. I've read all of your comments and hopefully I can clarify a few things as well as let you know about the tips I'm trying:

  • I definitely need to skip quite a few steps in my makeup routine. I wrote down everything I use and it's anywhere between 13 to 20 different products depending on how I feel. It's... a lot to say the least, lol. I have my school's break next week so I'm going to dedicate a day to try and see what's actually crucial in my routine, which as of right now I believe is everything! Doing my makeup is somewhat therapeutic for me so I feel a lot more relaxed (even when I need to fix mistakes) doing it which is likely why I lose track of time.

  • I also have a relatively complex skincare routine. It takes me anywhere between 10 to 25 minutes to do it so I should probably cut it down to the most basic essentials, at least when I know I need to dedicate my time to other tasks for the day.

  • I do typically shower at night, which cuts down my routine significantly because I tend to take long showers (15 minutes to 45)

  • I need to start picking my outfits the night before. I keep thinking I can conjure it up while I do my other steps for the day, but I get too immersed and at most I think of one item (ex. "I'm gonna wear my brown cargos today... but what shirt? Will my makeup match my fit today? Anyways, I still need to do my blush...")

  • I think setting alarms the night before would help too, in terms of timing myself and constantly reminding me. I need to realize and consider the time of my buses, understand the distance from my home to the stop, how long it'll take me to choose a pair of shoes, remember to pack the food I plan on taking with me, etc. I already make several alarms for myself to just WAKE UP, but I feel like this is hopefully kick me in the right direction no matter how I annoyed I get hearing the weird Classic Apple "Robot" alarm.

  • Just generally, I'm going to list EVERYTHING I need to do, as per a few of you suggested, and then also time myself accordingly. Oftentimes I take in the amount of time I do my makeup, skin, and clothes, but I forget that my hair is still in a gross bun and I haven't even brushed my teeth.

If I'm able to heed success in these things, at least it'll stop me from getting ready with a pit in my stomach, and I'll stop sweating profusely which ultimately ruins my makeup. I really, truly appreciate everyone's comments even if I didn't directly reply. It feels so relieving to know it's not just me that's been struggling and that my time blindness isn't just an account of me being "too lazy" to get ready on time. I have ALWAYS been late, and in previous comments, my friends have made it a habit to tell me they're outside when they're actually 10-20 minutes away. I'm hoping to write a success story soon enough and make you all proud :')

And to everyone who is going through the same thing right now, best of luck!!! I hope the comments on this post is equally as helpful to you as they are for me. Have an amazing day all!!!! :D

Edit 2: Scratch that. My meds kicked in and I ended up replying to most if not all the comments LOL. Again, I'm so happy I'm not alone and I'm grateful to be part of such a great community!