Question about the surgery
So Im a 38 year old male who is currently being send to an endo after having apparently minimally elevated IGF 1. I requested the test after watching my brow change over the past years and knowing about the condition hearing about it in school years ago. Other than that I do have quite large hands and have recently noticed a tiny space in my teeth and some changes to my bite. However, I dont seem to have any of the other symptoms so many describe of fatigue, joint pain etc. This may be because I have suspected this condition and brought it up to my Dr as soon as the facial changes seemed to be quite apparent. I am of course concerned about other internal effects that may have taken place...
Anyways to be honest I am quite terrified of the thought of the surgery. I have been studying it for weeks now and have heard about the dangers of damage to carotid artery and I even see a few studies where they will look at surgical outcomes and talk about how once in a while a patient will die of a stroke or cardio/ pulmonary arrest weeks later.
For those of you who have been through the whole process, I have great respect and extend my best wishes. I was hoping you could maybe provide some words of wisdom. Do you think I am over worrying about potential complications of the surgery?
As an aside I am from a medium/ small city in Canada and the thing that scares me is I have heard about how dependant outcomes are on the experience of the surgeon, and that acromegaly can present certain unique vascular and bone features during the surgery. I do understand they have an endoscopic skull base surgical team here with a surgeon with "advanced training in neurosurgical oncology" from some cancer centre in Huston. However, online I see there are all these other cities with specialized pituitary centres not to mention clinics in the US (Barrow clinic, cleveland clinic) and various specialists on youtube, which obviously probably cost a ton of money since I am Canadian.
Do you think the Dr I would be provided with should be sufficient? When it came to your surgeries did you seek out and evaluate numerous experts or should a decently qualified neurosurgeon be enough? Are there any Canadians here? If so how was your experience with finding a surgeon?
Anyways sorry for the long post. Any help would be very... helpful!