Is he being manipulative by not eating?
I 24F am married to 31M for more than a year. Today, I was able to get out early from work. When I got home my husband was still sleeping 2PM. Therefore, I decided to go to the gym with my mom.
Once I got to the gym he starts blowing up my phone saying that I suck and saying things like “Are you slow?”. When I try to clarify what is going on. He also then proceeds to insult me for having a close relationship with my mom. I didn’t engage with his text messages further because I felt an anxiety attack coming on.
He says I messed up for going to the gym without him because he has been wanting to go as well. He always says this but never follows through he has not gone to the gym ONCE since we got married. So I had no reason to believe that he would follow through. He is also extremely mean whenever I attempt to wake him up so I just let him sleep.
When I got home he has been giving me the silent treatment. I went about my evening as normal and made us dinner. He started criticizing the food I made saying that it is disgusting. He even prepared his plate and just left it on display for me to see that he didn’t eat it. He also refused to have dinner with me. Then kicked me out of our bedroom while I was washing a show so he could play video games even though he has been playing video games all day (Where the only TV is). And I was the one who worked all day and cooked dinner. And he is just being horrible.
I am exhausted and have no fight in me so I have not engaged with him at all. I feel so overwhelmed and don’t know what to do.