Yanagi's Boobs weight with Math below (Gooner math?)

Kinda crude Math again, it's difficult to get accurate measurements, but I can confidently say I'm at least in the ballpark for Yanagi boob weight.

The slides show how I got the measurements. Yanagi Total height 169cm Top 650px Bottom 1040px 1690px = 169cm breast height is 180px = 18 cm breast width is 140px = 14 cm breast depth is 142px = 14.2cm Yanagi depth is 90px = 9cm Yanagi width is 220px = 22cm Yanagi under bust circumference is 620px = 62cm Yanagi over bust circumference is 762px = 77.2cm Approximate cup size is C or D.

I will er on the bigger side so she has D cup breasts which would weigh around 2.2lbs each so 4.4lbs for both, about 1.9 KG.

Again providing more evidence towards this low gravity new Eridu theory.

Boobs can be weighed by placing a high wall sheet tray on the table, putting a bowl on top full to the brim with water, have the subject lower thier boobs into the water, this will displace water from the bowl into the tray, then weigh the water displaced and divide by two, that gives you the weight per breast.

I used my gfs as a sort of control to approximate the weight.