Why So Dark?

This show has such a lighting issue at times. There were so many times in season 2, and now in season 3 episode 3, during the cave sequences, where I literally could not see a single thing that was happening on screen. Now it may be a deliberate choice that the show is making. And I can understand that the filmmakers probably want to make it realistic, and when you don’t have access to natural lighting, or your only source of light is a torch or something like the girls only have access too, it would be realistic for things to be very dark, but it’s a tv show. What’s interesting to your audience about staring at almost a black screen for like 45 seconds at a time? It’s definitely something they need to fix going forward, because I shouldn’t have to squint my eyes to watch the show. Like I already watch it in complete darkness every night to get into the mood of the show. I shouldn’t have to like turn up my brightness or anything to enjoy the scenes. It’s a small nitpick, but I know I’m not the only one who has talked about this before.