My Issue With The Teen Timeline In Season 3!
I feel as if the teen timeline is sort of getting the short end of the stick this season in terms of the characters. We’re not getting insane amounts of developments on the girls or Travis so far. For one, people like Natalie, Misty, and Taissa for some odd reason feel like side characters so far. I think teenage Taissa had like 3 lines or something in episode 3. And Natalie for being the leader of the group really gets no focus whatsoever. I also think she had about 3 lines in episode 3. It seems as if they just really want you to focus on Shauna this season, which I understand because of her continuous descent into madness, but still I mean there’s other characters on the show. It’s always been a bit of an ensemble show, but I think it’s really become Shauna focused this season. I think the person who is getting this the worst is Lottie. Idk what is going on with this character so far this season. She gets absolutely no screen time, and when she does she says like 2 sentences and then the scene cuts. It’s really odd, especially as in season 2 I would argue that Lottie was one of the main 3 focused on. It’s odd that people like Akilah and Melissa and Mari are all of a sudden getting just SO much focus on them. I’m all for developing characters that in my opinion were very underdeveloped going into this season, but I mean in order to develop them better doesn’t mean that the writers should just ignore the characters that we’ve come to love over the last 3 seasons.
Now obviously we’re literally only 3 episodes into the show. For example Natalie is seemingly going to get a pretty juicy storyline this season with her seemingly eventual exile from the group. But I really just hope in the coming episodes the show balances themselves better between all the characters in the wilderness . I love Shauna’s character in the wilderness, but she’s not the ONLY character. And I know this new relationship with Melissa is going to be very interesting, but I hope it doesn’t take up ALL of screen time going forward.
Lemme know what you think tho. Am I being too dire about this since we’re only 3 episodes in, or do you agree with my points?