2nd winter theory
Pit girl = robin/mari/gen
Antler queen = Melissa/Lottie/Shauna/Aklhai
People at the feast
Gen or travis
The reason I believe this is because in season one adult Tai says, “We wouldn't be here without Natitle” I interpret this as Natalie went out hunting and found someone to rescue them. That would mean she wouldn't be at the feast, now I also think she might of had an accomplice hunter. If they stick to the OG hunters from season 1, that would be Travis and Nat, but recently in season 3 Gen has been hunting so possibly Gen/Nat are the ones not attending the feast or Nat/Travis.
For the Antler queen, they could keep the “first one” Lottie, however, I believe it could be Shauna because we saw a photo of her in the outfit. But other contestants could be Akhlai (her recent connections with animals) or Melissa(if Gen is a pit girl, she could be it because she is mourning the loss of her closest friend in the wilderness and be promoted to the AQ title.)
Now for pit girl , I think the obvious one is Mari, but the new girl Robin really fits the description of pit girl. And we saw that photo of the fake body of pit girl which looked eerily like Gen.
So this would mean if Pit Girl is their last hunt, there would be 9 or 10 survivors. I have a feeling that they will kill the rest of the survivors after they get rescued because they can't keep their mouths shut. And if they make season 4s plot line the girl's 2nd winter with 10 survivors, they would have enough people to kill to keep the plot running in season 5.
That's my theory!