"Creature" possible meaning

I don't know if the meaning of "Creature" is well known, but I didn't see much on genius lyrics, so I thought I'd put my idea here.

I think the song is about obsessive love disorder or "O.L.D.". O.L.D. is a disorder where a person is so obsessed about someone that they think they are in love with them. The person with O.L.D. is often quite protective or even controlling over the person they are obsessed with.

Their are many lines that many suggest this idea. For example, the 4th line, "its time to accelerate," could mean the person with O.L.D. goes to the extreme and becomes overly protective or controlling. The line "but I won't ever leave ya" could mean the person with O.L.D. is in the state of actually being obsessive and doesn't want to leave the person they are obsessed with. The lines "I'm a warning sign" and "run for your life" could be about the fact that O.L.D. is not a very good thing for a relationship. The line "but I love you more than is possible" could also be about the fact that O.L.D. is someone who is obsessed with a certain individual, which could be argued that the obsession would be more than love itself. Also, the use of the word "creature" could suggest the person with O.L.D. to be considered a "creature" or "uncivilized" since O.L.D. isn't really a norm in today's society.

I'm not a psychiatrist or a mental health professional, but from the sources I looked at, I think I get the gist of it.