The Artbook Brought a LOT of Questions
Spoilers for everything in Xenoblade 3's main game and Future Redeemed.
I was thinking about the artbook, and correct me if I'm wrong, but it's basically implied that the returning characters we saw incarnated into Aionios in forms that reflected their soul/what they needed to be so that they could do what they had to in Aionios.
I.E. Shulk and Rex appearing as people in Future Redeemed right around the time Alpha went nuts and threatened to destroy the pasts of the worlds and create a new world for the new souls.
So, it got me thinking about the rest of our lovable casts from Xenoblade 1 and 2 and how they might've appeared in Aionis without us even realizing it:
Shulk - Appears as himself in Future Redeemed
Reyn - Unknown
Sharla - Unknown
Dunban - Unknown
Melia - Appears as herself as Queen of Keves
Riki - Potentially the Legendary Biter in Lower Maktha wilds behind the dragon
Fiora - Appears as Lucky Seven
Rex - Appears as himself in Future Redeemed
Pneuma - Appears as Matthew's Ouroboros Gloves
Nia - Appears as herself as Queen of Agnes
Dromarch - Potentially is the Cloud Keep himself
Tora - Unknown
Poppy - Appears inside the core of the Cloud keep (as an ether power source?)
Morag - Unknown
Brighid - Unknown
Zeke - Unknown
Pandoria - Unknown
Logos - Appears as N's Sword of the End
Gramps - Unknown
I'm genuinely unsure of who or what the other cast members could've potentially appeared as besides the few I wrote in.
There's also like thousands of years of unknown history to play with.. Who's to say there weren't other moments of smaller conflicts where the others may have appeared similar to how Shulk and Rex appeared to resolve them. Like, how interesting would it be if Dunban, Reyn, Zeke and Morag appeared right at the beginning of Aionios, and were the ones to help Melia and Nia free soldiers from the flame clocks to start up the original city?
If any of you guys have ideas, I'd love to hear them. There's also the possibility that we just don't see any of the others at all, which would be cool too, but I can't stop thinking about it.