Favorite and least favorite bosses across the series?

Basically, i love fighting any of the supers in 3, esp level 150 super and its level 200 challenge version. Also love fighting last boss in gauntlet 3 hard, real challenging fight you have to get the right cards for and is just fun. I fr, i love slow n steadies hard but i would likely not replay them again until i start a new file. Real challenging fight. I’m mostly thinking of the bosses you can replay after story when it comes to this topic.

For least favorite, all of least favs are in xc2, very unbalanced and annoying game, esp on BoC land of challenge. My least fav of all would be hurricane anise BoC in torna - jankiest and most infuriating fight in the series, maybe. Tho 9th imp armor division BoC might take the cake if I didn’t use enel’s strat, bc i lit have no idea how anyone could fin that challenge otherwise on BoC.