Fable has been delayed to 2026
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I expected it, Xbox has a stacked line up this year anyways.
\nFor the uninformed (such as myself), what is the stacked line up?
\nThe first one was shit no one cares about the sequel.
\nDoom Dark Ages
\n\nExpedition 33
\n\nNinja Gaiden 4
\nWhy is no one excited for atom fall?
\nJust for GTA 6 overshadow all of it. I mean it not about Xbox it about gaming and I\u2019m sure we all been waiting for GTA 6
\nThe only thing gaming related that will be fine going against GTA 6 release wise is the Nintendo Switch 2. I predict Pokemon Legends ZA having a Summer release that way Nintendo can focus solely on their next system this Holiday
\nI'm in the minority, but I'd rather have Fable. Not even a debate for me. Lol.
\nSadly minority doesnt matter. They want to maximize sales and releasing it anywhere close to GTA6 is just losing sales.
\nI don\u2019t think you can really compare the two
\nYou can't compare them as a consumer, you have to compare them in terms of $ and even if its a good game, people will be on gta playing it and reduce the eyes on it. I miss so many games because my focus gets onto 1 game, I have to go back. they dont want to miss the gamers who dont go back for games and only loot forward.
\nNaw ill still play fable before gta 6 ,
\nI personally despise Grand theft Auto. It's not even a blip on my radar. Biggest thing out of it is the controversy that they want to charge a ton of money because there's so many game hours in it.
\nSame here. Have never been able to get into it. The little bit I have played, I just drive around. No desire to play it or any of the others.
\nGTA lost its "soul" after San Andreas. It's just a pretty game with a vast world that somehow feels hollow. I hated GTA5 for that reason and the characters were highly unlikable. The hype for games like that genuinely confuses me. Is there going to be greater character customization and a sense of humor? For my money, Saints Row had the right idea but it got too over the top and too lost its way. Volition doesn't have the money that Rockstar does so that series just went off a cliff.
\nThey don't want to charge more money, I don't know why this become such a big talking point for the game. Some random French journalist said it and now everyone thinks "GTA 6 confirmed $100"
\nI've lost interest in GTA 6 personally, they've taken too long to finally release a sequel. I'll play it but I'm in no rush, maybe a year or 2 after launch, Rockstar definitely ain't getting my money the shit show they've turned into. Rinsing everyone dumb enough to pay for their online service whilst the original fans wait for the next game. I'm over it
\ndo they though? everyone thought fable was going to be the big fall game not named call of duty. whats it going to be now? south of midnight? expedition 33? ughh
\nWe hear this every year and every year ends up being underwhelming with either delays or games that are a letdown.
\nUpcoming Xbox games are
\n\nAvowed\nThe Outer Worlds 2\nSouth of Midnight\nDoom Dark Ages\nTHPS 3+4
\n\nAll of them will come in the next few months more games will be announced at the June Showcase
\nTony Hawk's Pro Skater
\nAvowed already released\u00a0
\nLiteral shit, nobody is gonna play that crap unless they are stuck with an xbox. Game pass was pretty decent last year, carried by MLB The Show imo. This year is going to be crap, and Im finally cutting my subscription.
\nLmao just cause you think it's crap doesn't mean it's crap.
\n\nBesides if you think the only good thing about Gamepass last year was MLB The show then you missed a ton of games or are one of those gamers who stick with sports games
\nGive me it as late as you want, just give it me in a good condition
\nThey also were stacked last year, but they delayed it to this year or they only released it for PC.
\nNot really
\nFine by me. Cook it until it's done
\nA game should be released when it\u2019s ready, not when a marketing team, or investors say so.
\nThere isn't enough people like this, I would rather wait and get a nice polished and balanced game without bugs. Rather than a rushed mess because people are impatient
\nAbsolutely. A strategic delay is always better than an undercooked release. The Fable series means so much to me and as excited and impatient as I am I\u2019d far rather wait another year than be disappointed.
\nFor real, GTA coming.
\nI would much rather wait for a finished game than be disapointed, i just hope i make it till 26
\nWhy not both?
\nWhy won't you make it? What's wrong?
\nLook around us
\nWill probably be banned in U.S. by the newly formed Quaker gov because there\u2019s magic and women in it.
\nDon't be ridiculous. Quakers believed in equality and pacifism. You're thinking of the Puritans, who notably persecuted the Quakers.
\nDisappointing. But between Avowed, Outer Worlds 2, and multiple other games, this year is already slammed.
\nIs OW2 definitely this year? I know Obsidian are a workhorse but two RPGs in a year is crazy.
\nWell, it's double the amount of people and same amount as time as Bethesda worked on fallout 4, so it's possible
\nThey have two separate teams and TOW2 is being built upon a previous game. A lot of it is already figured out.
\nObsidian is probably the best "exclusive" studio that Microsoft has. Not a single miss in their catalog, and they actually release games more than once a generation
\nDon't tell that to these brigaders... those against pronouns, ps5 fanboys? I personally am hooked to Avowed and want to revisit Outer Worlds
\nI feel like there would be no point in announcing a date when they did if they weren\u2019t confident. Most people thought it was 2026 or later
\nI'd rather wait than it be bad. But sometimes we end up waiting and it will still be bad...
\nCrackdown 3
\nI liked Crackdown 3 more than most. I found it to be mindless fun. 7/10
\nIt was a good time but felt very short. It was the only Crackdown to release on PC, which is where I played it.
\nsuicide squad
\nGTA 6 this year confirmed
\nWe got gta6 before fable
\nOh yay the game i was probably most excited about... I really hope it's good, if not this will likely be Fables actual death as a franchise.
\nInsert \u201cfirst time?\u201d meme
\nA chickenkicker can hope
\nI think they died after fable 3 and Lionhead closing. Having a racing game studio make fable is uh\u2026 an interesting choice.
\nIt did then MS tried a defibrillator and im still hoping we get a half decent fable at the end of it
\nConsidering how much we've saw from this game so far, I'm not surprised.
\n\nI'm still not sure what this game actually even is.
\n\nIs it a game where you create your own character and make choices and create your own "fable", you know, like previous games; or is it a game with a female protagonist that retells classic fables, like the beanstalk, in a twisted way, you know, like the trailer. I don't know, you know?
\nYou cannot create a custom character in the previous games\u00a0
\nYeah, I kinda misspoke. You don't create a character, but he is kinda of a blank slate. He does have a backstory, but no real personality. You kinda just fill in the blanks.
\n\nBut the trailers we've seen so far, seems to have a very well defined character, and with a attitude.
\nI get that racing games sell terribly compared to other sports games, and they\u2019re a licensing nightmare, but I\u2019d be a lot happier if Playground was putting out a Forza Horizon THIS year instead.
\nThey might. We will know by the June showcase.
\nI'm pretty sure the last Forza Horizon sold super well though. I think it's one of Xbox's biggest successes this gen
\nCharacter customization?
\nI dunno how deep customization will be (it's never been as involved as I would personally like it to be), but since you can play a male or female character in 2 and 3, being able to play a guy is a pretty safe bet even if they're focusing on the gal in pre-release ads and videos.
\nI hope so!
\nThis was a launch window that I think everyone was incredibly skeptical of to begin with, so I can't say I'm surprised or disappointed by this update.
\n\nThat being said, I'm not sure why they even put a release year on this one when they were clearly too far away from a finished product to confidently say it'd be out this year. We haven't seen anything that even remotely resembles real gameplay at this point.
\nMakes a lot of sense but I and many other were really looking forward to this this year
\nLol. Lmao, even
\nXbox has only announced exact release dates for the games coming in the first half of 2025. The second half has a looming threat of the juggernaut named Grand Theft Auto VI (which so far is sticking with its Fall 2025 release schedule). So it is understandable Xbox would not want to release any AAA title close to GTA\u2019s release.
\n\nThis ruined my week even further
\nHell, let them finish. Otherwise it's gonna be another broken disappointment. Right? Just like most games that release too early now. This is one game that needs to be the best. If it's not, the franchise is likely done. So finish the game!!
\nAnd i cant be disappointed that im not gonna play the game this year?
\nAfter thinking about it, I get why it's upsetting for you. They absolutely should NOT give a release date if there's any doubt that it will be delayed
\nThanks for compreheending
\nLol, I have my moments.
\nBro is well adjusted
\nGet disappointed about anything you want bud. I would recommend looking at the brighter side of things though. Just sayin, It helps.
\nDelays don\u2019t guarantee a good game though lol
\nI suppose that's true.
\nNo one can guarantee the fact that it's going to be good, Cyberpunk kept delaying too. Logic doesn't check out
\nThat's true.
\nGood! Let them cook!
\nSo why'd they choose a team that makes racing games to do a high fantasy game
\nNot the same team. They have a second team working on Fable and it is because they wanted to diversify themselves.
\nIt\u2019s concerning for sure but if Microsoft wants it to be successful surely they saw something in the team. Or it was the only available team lol.
\nXbox under Phil Spencer always over promises and under delivers.\u00a0
\nHolding games back until they're properly ready rather than releasing them half baked and needing weeks of patches is delivering more than some other publishers these days.
\nMaybe he should hold off on announcing them too early. Everwild and state of decay 3 have been mia since 2020
\nIn 2020, they announced that SoD3 was in the very early stages. Everyone knew at the time that it was still several years away.
\nI still dnt know why they announced the game so early it\u2019s stupid
\nTo start building hype, to get people to stop asking if they were working on a 3rd game, and to get new people to checkout the 1st two installments.
\nHaving hype build up for 5+ years is just gonna end up in disappointment. Imagine if rockstar announced gta6 in 2020 do u honestly think people will still be happy to wait that long for gta6? Hell no people would be annoyed more than anything.
\n\nAnd cmon they made two it doesn\u2019t take a genius to guess they\u2019re making a 3rd
\nYou can't compare Undead Labs and SoD to Rockstar and GTA.
\nFair enough.
\n\nI\u2019ll compare hellblade 2 and ninja theory.
\n\nHellblade 2 was the very first Xbox game announced all the way back in 2019 it came out 5 years later and the common consensus was \u201c5 year wait for this?\u201d Now I ask u this, Was the 5 year hype a good thing in that scenario?
\n5 years and no update is sketchy for an interactive sequel
\nRather have it delayed than it being a broken mess upon launch. There's enough to play.
\nTake more time. Let them cook.
\nI'm okay with this. Performance optimization plz
\nThat's a bummer but i do hope it's really good
\nI\u2019m sick of half baked games being released so I hope the extra time is worth it.
\nThat's fine. Finish the game before release.
\nThey're right to try and avoid GTA.
\nDelayed to make a PlayStation port I bet
\nNo, delayed because the people working on it don't have a clue about rpgs...
\nTake your time. Add some cars too forza people. Till then gta 6 will have to do, unless.
\nfuck it\u2019s crazy how great this year will be in gaming JUST because gta 6 is releasing \ud83d\ude06
\nGTA will make every damn game delay to 2026 lmao
\nWith how little they have shown I'm all whatever, give it all the time it needs. For all anyone knows it could be like Avowed and be early 2026
\nI've been waiting for Fable since Fable 3. The cut scenes look incredible... If they need more time to make the game itself better, then I can wait. Although, Molyneux managed to release three half assed games with this idea, and they all worked because of the vibe. I hope they haven't messed that up.
\nI hope they do the same with it as Avowed a February launch would be a great start to the year \u270c\ufe0f
\nWell, than I have time to finish KCD2 I guess
\nI'm shocked. SHOCKED!
\n\nWell, not that shocked.
\nThank goodness they\u2019re finishing this game.
\nIs this so it can come out on PS5 as well
\nNot surprised, considering how little we have heard about this game.
\nA purely racing game studio takes a crack at an action game. Ok.
\nWe need a good quality game nothing rushed
\nPc gamer, keen for a console, I bought a playstation because fable took too long to release. Emotional.
\nIts never getting released
\nAs long as it's worth the wait I'm okay with it.
\nBrilliant - we are absolutely gagging to death on massive games anyway, I'm never going to get through this backlog at this rate...and I would rather they have some sweet time for polishing...
\nNooooooo!! This is the only game I have been looking up to.. god damn.
\nPs5 and xbox release
\nFor a change\u2026..
\nNever thought it was coming out this yr, so it's not really a delay.
\nAs a grown ass man I figure Avowed will be taking enough of my time to care. Let Fable be what is supposed to be when it comes out
\nInteresting. Also, when is PG planning to even slightly tease FH6?
\nMaybe they wanna clear off of GTA 6, maybe it was overlapping with their release now that they know Mafia is in summer and Borderlands 4 in September. Either way, this year has more games releasing than number of playable hours.
\nThis year we had avowed and have doom, south of midnight, outer worlds - in addition to a cod and some other surprises ... So I can't complain
\nDisappointing but if they have the foresight to push it to 2026 it\u2019s clear that the game is far off from being done and they recognised the need for more time in the oven. Hope the wait pays off, only game I was really looking forward to this yea!
\nMan, they announced this in 2020. Ridiculous.
\nThis is good. Ironing out the bugs and releasing a finished polished & fun game is key.
\n\nLast thing you want in another hasty cash grab like "Undisputed" boxing.
\nThis is a repeat from every other Fable game
\nWho cares, i saw how the main character looks and i know this game is not for me.
\n2026? Isn\u2019t that also when TES 6 is supposed to release?
\nOh noooo, anyway...
\nSad, but also, thank God, my bank acc wouldn't handle one more AAA this semester
\na stinker in the making
\nSmart move let's be honest...
\nHe sounds really excited!
\nI was actually just thinking about this game yesterday randomly. Loved the fable series back in the day and hope that they take the time to make it right. Between KCD and GTA later this year I wouldn\u2019t have had much time to play it anyways
\nThis game is gonna be fucking trash if their trailer is anything to go by.
\nIt'll be day one Xbox/PC/PlayStation now.
\n\nGraphically it's looking really nice. Pre alpha of course, but combat looking a bit iffy so far.
\nI fully expected, I dunno why anyone would be mad. This year is insanely stacked, the only thing I\u2019m truly hoping for is Wuchang in 2025
\nThat's fine. Let a game released finished rather than unfinished.
\nCool. Don\u2019t rush it and kill the franchise for another decade.
\nThis game has been in development for like 6 years now
\nMeh it\u2019s fine my backlog isn\u2019t getting any smaller. I can wait.
\nTake your time and get it right. Gamers could learn to use a little patience anyways. Glad care is being given, Playground are a great team.
\nFuck this game
\nWho would have guessed
\nGotta get that PlayStation version ready
\nFuck them, all the marketing around the series X was new groundbreaking games dedicated to performance on new hardware. It\u2019s all been a lie with delays upon delays, trash games and all backwards compatibility garbage. Nothing new or unique has actually came out and succeeded for longer than 4/6 months in a long long time.
\nI'm fine with it. My backlog is crazy anyways. I just hope it is good. I have faith in playground games
\nUntil next year when it gets delayed again til 2027
\nWait, is this a fable rebrand? Had no idea
\nlol of course it is
\nNooooooo. The game I was most excited. If they bring smt5 it metaphor rephantazio all is forgiven or any decent jrpg. Playing avowed and love it
\nFinished game, but delayed release > unfinished early release.
\nThere are already enough games on the market, so there\u2019s no need to rush.
That fine, between borderlands 4, gta6 and probably switch 2 I'll be busy this year.
\nOK wenn Fabel auch f\u00fcr PS kommt was haben die Xbox Spieler denn f\u00fcr Vorteile bei dem Deal.\nIch finde da sollte mindestens the Last of US oder der letzte god of war drin sein. Sonst macht das keinen Sinn mehr auch nur einen Cent in Xbox zu investieren
\nGenerative AI is booming and they can't even complete a damn game
\nHonestly the gameplay we saw looked pretty cool! Would much rather wait and we get a killer game compared to getting it in november and it sucking tech side
\nNo they moved fable cuz they have to re do the main character idk if u have seen the abomination that the art director did it looked like a tranny u would see by the docks in the 80s
\nGood thing, now let's delay outer worlds 2 so it can be polished too obsidian deserves the time\u00a0
\nAvowed seems like a game I can sink a few hundred hours in, so I\u2019m fine with a bit longer on Fable.
\nFable delayed to 2026\u2014at this rate, we\u2019ll all be adventuring in Albion with our grandkids. But hey, better to wait for a polished masterpiece than rush it out. At least it gives us time to prep for the next wave of epic RPGs coming our way!
\nSmart move. Can\u2019t compete with gta6 and i won\u2019t be able to get both
\nSo we'll get GTA6 before Fable?
\nI genuinely forgot they were making this
\nThe blowback from too many high-profile botched launches has even the dumbest, greediest corporate suits spooked, even if they're just worried about people abandoning pre-orders and making shareholders cranky.
\ntake your time, you have to surpass everything that avowed has done, man i cant stop playing avowed!
\nI still can\u2019t believe fable 3 came out 15 years ago. Growing up fable 1 and 2, absolute perfection. I know fable 3 gets a lot of sh*t but I\u2019ve probably put the most hours into that one myself. Fable the journey I never finished. But I\u2019ve been waiting for a good story to continue the fable franchise as it has been and always will be my favourite. Please god let fable be good again\ud83d\ude29
\nWhat else is new lol and please delay before releasing unfinished product so good stuff
\nFable over gta for me also. I won\u2019t be getting gta at launch but I will preorder Fable
\nPlenty of time to marinate
\nGood. If the game isn't ready - don't release it!
\nOnly games I\u2019m excited about are Fable and State of Decay 3\u2026 another year to wait after announcement what.. 4 years ago? Smh
\nAs soon as I see \u2018woke\u2019 leveraged against a product, I just know I\u2019m in for some insightful criticism from an intelligent source.
\n\nThank you for saying what we\u2019re all thinking. Now if Indians, women and (God forbid) Indian women could stay out of ALL my media then I\u2019d KNOW they\u2019re not trying to brainwash me anymore!
\n\nI pride myself on not having been indoctrinated, just like you haven\u2019t, nor all the others that think this way and use exactly the same arguments with the token inclusion of \u2018woke\u2019!
\nThe best thing to come out of the aforementioned election results is just how bold the bigots and incels have gotten. Always nice when they show us who they are so willingly, now that they think they can say the quiet part out loud without consequence.