what are everyone’s XF headcanons?
i want to know everyone's headcanons. i have...millions lol. i can share a few but i want to know everyone else's.
a few examples are i headcanon s8 is the five stages of greif, the metaphor behind All Things is Mulder as Scully's leading light, the song in Orison represents Mulder as someone Scully can rely on, Mulder first fell in love with Scully in the Pilot, when they left in Hollywood A.D. they went to "drink, dance, make love" like Mulder mentioned earlier, and their first time was during Rush (will explain if you ask.)
i also headcanon Mulder says ily to Scully in FTF, mouths it to her in Deadalive and she mouths "its yours" in Three Words. (i will explain if you ask in the comments)
these are just my personal headcanons you guys don't need to share them if you do not agree :) what are some of your headcanons?