Can we moderate repetitive “feedback” already?

tl;dr can we talk about something else regarding gameplay more often? Like bugs or rotation and theorycrafting?

I can’t find a single day that I open this sub to browse through posts of every flair, but almost every single gameplay “discussion” that isn’t just news or a meme is the same exact pedantic rant about how <gacha business model> takes too much time. Maybe it’s because I’m looking for it and have chosen to magnify the very thing I seek to destroy.

I respect Kuro as a game dev who does good work because they released a thing I like, but also as a business because they released a thing I like.

And instead of a $70 game, they’ve chosen to release a free to play fomo paycheck vampire; a mobile game.

I’m not immune to it either. I play this game, for one. me: “I hate having to pay subscription service.” also me: spends another bi annual renewal on ff14

Stamina, weekly limits, the pity model, the event rotation, rolling useless stats on echos, echo farming, some characters being broken, some characters being useless, a signature weapon being better than a f2p weapon, events that are biased towards the limited banner, events that are just plain doo doo; it’s by design that this eats up your time. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but I’m sure even Blizzard knows how to make a good game, but consistently choose to further embarrass themselves on a fiscal yearly basis. hint: it’s because they want more money but they suck at that too.

I’ll eat my phone if they actually do change it and then I’ll make an apology video. But still, If you don’t think the gacha business model is good, stop supporting gacha games.

There’s UNLIMITED games in the world, and one of them is bound to either substitute or completely eclipse the story or gameplay that Wuwa provides for you.

So yeah for the 4 of you who read this then, sorry you did that. I one tapped Phoebe btw.