Addressing the echo complaints

Hello, my fellow wave wutherers,

I want to talk about all the complaining regarding echoes. I think the system is FINE as is. I have 3 complete teams that can complete TOA just fine and the echoes aren't perfect. I think the real problem is everyone is chasing perfect echoes in EVERY slot when that isn't a necessary thing. There's perfect and there's good enough to complete the content. I still have over 7000 tuners and I can complete all the content. Y'all are chasing perfection so you're just wasting your resources by chasing perfection instead of "good enough for now." Have fun, enjoy the game, and just min max when you HAVE the extra resources and won't need them anywhere else for a while.

That's all, much love, this game is amazing ❤️

Edit: gacha games are ALWAYS at least partially a resource management game. Anyone complaining about tuners or echo xp is just wasting one or both. Y'all wanna be able to min max as soon as you unlock a character. What would keep you playing the game if you could min max in the first week?

Extra edit: I spend about 1000 tuners per character I'm trying to build. If I see the writing on the wall on 3 cost, I move to the next echo. If I am getting close to running out of echoes to level, I accept my fate. I still have a ton of fun playing the characters and will improve echoes LATER. That's my entire point.