What are your favorite WoD games and why?
My favorite oWoD game is Mage: The Ascension and my favorite CoD game is Changeling: The Lost.
I loved Mage: The Ascension because of how it engaged real world cultures, philosophies/religions, etc. There are obvious flaws, but I think it created a wonderfully imaginative world. When I was growing up, I was into zen and martial arts and the Akashic Brotherhood was an interesting way to think of that. I got really into music, travel, and trying new experiences through food... and other things. The Cult of Ecstasy was an interesting lens to think about that through. I started reading a lot of romanticism and existentialism, and the Hollow Ones were a fun way to look at that. The world Mage: The Ascension was so neat for thinking about different cultures and concepts, and tbh Werewolf: The Apocalypse and Kindred of the East were pretty good for that too.
With Changeling: The Lost I just love the surreal dark fantasy aesthetic. C:tD honestly just never appealed to me as much because of its more classic fairy tale aesthetic, but C:tL has such an alluring look and feel.