Useful Links and where to find them (Official App and New Reddit)

Ahoy Captains!

As we recently got a few suggestion on adding Stickied Posts with links such as the Official Discord Server via ModMail and Feedback Posts we are using this Post to Point out, where to find those and other useful links already and Permanently.

Starting with the Official App for Android and iOS

Subreddit Header

When you are on top of the Subreddit you'll find 3 Options:

  1. Posts: The Usual Feed
  2. About: which brings you to all the Infos!
  3. Menu: give you more links and also a pretty handy search tool.

Example on how the About Section looks like

You can also find all Patchnotes, Campaign Breakdowns, Bureau Infos, Related Subreddits, Contacts to the Moderation Team and so on- take a look and explore!

Menu section in the App

Web Version- specifically NewReddit

This is the Subreddit header on NewReddit

It's similar to the App- with a more straight forward access and should be Self explanatory.

Additionally while browsing the feed, take a closer look one the right hand side. There you can find the About section as shown inn the App w/o the extra taps needed to access them.

Sidebar on NewReddit

Unfortunately most of the above shown features aren't available on OldReddit, but we will update the Sidebar with the Social Links SOONtm to make them available there too.

Edit: the Sidebar on Old Reddit is uodated by now and show an up to date link to the full rules as well as a collection of the most useful official sources

Thanks for stopping by and maybe you'll find some of the Information useful.

Stay safe and fair Seas

jason4es and the r/WoWs_Legends ModTeam