im calling it, she's the shooter

i waffled between her and the mousy blonde lady in the trio (i have yet to get all their names down yet). im almost certain the shooter is going to be a woman. part of me feels that because she is the most put together, and because of season 2's ending, she's too obvious of a choice, but the show is always narratively sound, and i feel there's a potential trajectory for her to be coming into this experience with the most positivity and therefore fall the farthest. this season seems to obviously be about positive and negative energies and how we cultivate or destroy them (or taint them), and how they are effected by class and wealth and inequality. i think belinda is going to endure a good amount of pressure, self-loathing, anxiety, and isolation as one of the only black woman in the resort (who is there to do work, mind you, in sharp contrast to the couple she saw visiting), and that is going to eventually make her snap. i think she's probably gonna kill sexy beard guy from seasons 1 and 2 and then we will have their stories tied up. i also predict she will get laid because my god i think she needs it.

i waffled between her and the mousy blonde lady in the trio (i have yet to get all their names down yet). im almost certain the shooter is going to be a woman. part of me feels that because she is the most put together, and because of season 2's ending, she's too obvious of a choice, but the show is always narratively sound, and i feel there's a potential trajectory for her to be coming into this experience with the most positivity and therefore fall the farthest. this season seems to obviously be about positive and negative energies and how we cultivate or destroy them (or taint them), and how they are effected by class and wealth and inequality. i think belinda is going to endure a good amount of pressure, self-loathing, anxiety, and isolation as one of the only black woman in the resort (who is there to do work, mind you, in sharp contrast to the couple she saw visiting), and that is going to eventually make her snap. i think she's probably gonna kill sexy beard guy from seasons 1 and 2 and then we will have their stories tied up. i also predict she will get laid because my god i think she needs it.