Should I breakup with my boyfriend after he continues not to help around the house with cooking and cleaning despite not being employed?

For context I am 23F, he is 24M and we have been together for 2 years and living together for the majority of that.

I need advice on whether I should end our relationship and if so how. My mental health has taken a plunge and I'm not sure what to do.

So our relationship began 2 years ago where we became very close very quickly and I moved in with him after needing to move out of a toxic household environment. At this stage he had a full time job and life was good. A few dumb decisions now he's in debt. I ended up losing my job as I totaled my car. He loses his job not long after. Not our fault, not a huge deal at this point. I get a car and another job, my partner also get another job. This is where issues really started. He slowly stopped going to shifts due to sleeping in and not wanting to go after gaming at night or not waking up to his alarm. I find a new job that comes with a house and better pay while he tries to get a car on the road without income. Eventually he has no choice but to move in with me (without a car). I didn't mind. Until he continued to not have a job, for months. He lied (found out later) about the jobs he was applying for and had tunnel vision on becoming a streamer or having one very specific job type which doesn't come up in our area often. Eventually after about 8 months he gets a job. A few months later he loses it again and we're back at point A. I've continued to try and support him however this isn't where the issues end. So financially we are not stable at all, running on only my income with two dogs and multiple bills isn't working well. I can't afford the things I need due to having to pay off some of his debt and my own. This wouldn't be as stressful if I was able to come home to a clean house. Onto my next point, he barely ever cleans. I have to tell him exactly what to do and half the time the response is 'I don't know how you want it done', he doesn't do it, or he doesn't do it very well... I'll ask him to clean the lounge and he'll pick up maybe the clothes (clean) and toss them in the laundry basket (with dirty clothes) for me to deal with. I feel like a mother trying to clean up after a child a lot of the time. He used to say 'just tell me what to do', I explained I shouldn't need to and asked if he wanted me to make a chore chart we can rotate and he outright said 'i won't even do them if you do that I hate chore charts'. He is slowly becoming better but he only really does the dishes one or two times throughout the week and occasionally does tidy up with me asking. I'm left to do all the other household chores including shared laundry and mowing lawns despite working 50-70 hour weeks. Not only that but he doesn't often cook, he has gotten better at this over time but he still pulls the 'I don't know how' card even with instructions or me standing beside him telling him exactly what to do. It's 9/10 nights I'll walk through the door to be met with 'whats for dinner'. I've brought this up multiple times with a response like 'i never do enough according to you' or he will apologise, change for a couple days then go back to his old ways. He will only cook it if he's cooked it before. I'm honestly just so exhausted. Most of the time he's on his game and we rarely sleep in the same bed for longer than a few hours due to my work and his hours up late. It has now been a month and no improvement has been made in the employment sector...

I just genuinely don't know if there is any point in trying to save this relationship. But I don't know if I should or how to break up with him. I should mention he does suspect he has ADHD but won't go to therapy for anything. He has nowhere else to go if I kick him out.

TL;DR! Despite multiple conversations my partner still expects me to do the vast majority of housework, and cooking despite him not being employed and me working 50-70 hour weeks and it's taking a huge toll on my own mental health.