Calling all Wellington/NZ Doctors. Please drop some wisdom/advice! (Not medical advise)
I’m a 32F radiographer with 6 years experience in the field working at Wellington public and private. I am contemplating applying to med school because I don’t see myself doing radiography for the rest of my life and being a doctor has always been something I thought I’d end up doing.
I got into med school in my early 20s and completed 2 years but my parents decided they didn’t want to support me anymore and pulled my funding. So I had to make some quick decisions back then. This was in Australia.
So I guess my question is, is it worth pursuing still as a 32 year old? Or should I find something else? Radiography is definitely not it for me.
Some extra info: I don’t have kids, I don’t have a mortgage, I’ve got a reasonable amount saved up, I know I can work part time as a radiographer while I study.
My dilemma: I’m scared the process will break me but also worried that it’s a highly stupid decision to make.
Anyone with relevant advice or wisdom is welcome to comment. Thank you :)