Help me choose a techtree!


As I'm coming closer to finishing my first Tech-Tree, Germany (currently at 10.3 with Premium Tanks but already at 8.0 with FTP), I want to start preparing for the next Techtree.

I want to either choose Russia aka. the USSR, or Sweden, but I dont know which one I should choose. I love both Russian tanks and Swedish ones, not to get killed by them tho, so It's hard for me to choose.

I'd have a huge Advantage, however, choosing the USSR as I could grind the Squadron vehicle, where as I am not sure if Sweden has one.

I also love the aesthetic of Russian / USSR tanks, like bro, the ERA I cant-

So yeah, which one do you think I should choose?

Thanks in Advance.

(PS: Eurofighter when, Gaijin?)