Tacoma open adds a note to pivot

I couldn't add the screenshot but here is the text from an email relating to tacoma open pivot ruling

"Finally, We've received a number of questions from 40K GT attendees on the new Pivot rules in regard to Vehicles that are on round bases (i.e. skimmer bases) such as the Drukhari Raider and Tantalus. At the time of this e-mail, there are no planned updated FAQ or errata documents releasing prior to the rules cut off However, you should expect Judges at the US Open Tacoma to rule on the new Pivot rules as follows;
Vehicle models on a round base that is wider than 32mm with a flying stem or hover stand have a Pivot Value of 2"
This answer, formulated with the Warhammer 40,000 Rules Studio, should be considered official for Tacoma. While other Tournament Organisers are welcome and encouraged to use this ruling, it should not be considered a general FAQ or Errata to Warhammer 40,000; any such formal, gamewide update will always and only arrive via Warhammer Community.
-Tacoma, GT Event Staff, 2024 "