Meta Monday 1/15/24: The Center Cannot Hold

First big weekend of the year with Necrons jumping to the top. Next weekend is LVO and hopefully we get the new Data Slate this week or next. I will be attending LVO with my Guard and will try and get Meta Monday up late Monday or Tuesday next weekend.

I cover in this post all the Warhammer 40k 10th edition Grand Tournament or bigger events of 2,000 point games that have a minimum of 5 rounds and 20 players.

Lists can be found on some events are sponsored and thus can be seen without a paid membership. Everything else requires the membership and you should support BCP if you can.

Please support Meta Monday on Patreon if you can. I put a lot hours into this each Sunday. Thanks for all the support.

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The NOTTINGHAM 40K SUPER-MAJOR. Nottingham, England. 332 players. 5 rounds.

Top 4 did a play off.

1. Necrons (CC) 7-0

  1. Aeldari 6-1

  2. Tyranids (Invasion Fleet) 5-1

  3. Black Templars (Index) 5-1

  4. Necrons (CC) 5-0

  5. Aeldari 5-0

  6. World Eaters 5-0

  7. Dark Angels (Ironstorm) 5-0

  8. Guard 5-0

  9. Chaos Knights 5-0

  10. Necrons (CC) 4-0-1

  11. CSM 4-0-1

#13 to #58 went 4-1

Münsterland GT5. Horstmar, Germany. 50 players. 5 rounds.

WTC rules

1. World Eaters 5-0

  1. Aeldari 5-0

  2. World Eaters 4-1

  3. Votann 4-1

  4. Necrons (CC) 4-1

  5. Death Guard 4-1

  6. Necrons (CC) 4-1

  7. Aeldari 4-1

  8. Grey Knights 4-1

New Years Knockout 2024. Raytown, MO. 49 players. 5 rounds.

1. Votann 5-0

  1. Orks 5-0

  2. Necrons (CC) 4-1

  3. Space Marines (GTF ) 4-1

  4. Necrons (CC) 4-1

  5. Death Guard 4-1

  6. Black Templars 4-1

  7. Ad Mec (Skitarii Hunter) 4-1

  8. Black Templars (Firestorm) 4-1

  9. Necrons (CC) 4-1

Unified Tournament Circuit 40K Finals. Westminster, MD. 41 players. 5 rounds.

1. Necrons (Hypercrypt) 5-0

  1. Necrons (CC) 4-0-1

  2. CSM 4-1

  3. Space Marines (GTF) 4-1

  4. Guard 4-1

  5. Tau 4-1

  6. Tau 4-1

Torino Open Qualifier valido per. Torino, Italy. 30 players. 5 rounds.

1. Necrons (CC) 5-0

  1. Tau 4-1

  2. GK 4-1

  3. CSM 4-1

  4. Tyranids (Unending Swarm) 4-1

  5. Aeldari 4-1

Critical Hit Grand Clash. Courtice, Canada. 30 players. 5 rounds.

1. CSM 5-0

  1. World Eaters 4-1

  2. Black Templars 4-1

  3. Space Wolves (Ironstorm) 4-1

Mekabrew Mania (in a brewery!!) 2024. Augusta, GA. 29 players. 5 rounds.

1. Necrons (Hypercrypt) 5-0

  1. Aeldari 4-1

  2. Necrons (CC) 4-1

  3. Orks 4-1

  4. Aeldari 4-1

  5. Imperial Knights 4-1

Siege of Windsor GT. Windsor, England. 24 players. 5 rounds.

1. Grey Knights 5-0

  1. Votann 4-1

  2. CSM 4-1

  3. Tyranids (Synaptic Nexuus) 4-1

Deck Box Masters Grand Tournament January. Halifax, Canada. 24 players. 5 rounds

1. Necrons (CC) 5-0

  1. Aeldari 4-1

  2. Chaos Daemons 4-1

  3. Guard 4-1

Trident Wargaming Circuit - LVOCan't Go! St. Albert, Canada. 24 players. 5 rounds.

1. Necrons (CC) 5-0

  1. Sisters 4-1

  2. Ad Mec (Cohort Cybernetica) 4-1

  3. Votann 4-1

BC 40k League Finals S06. Port Coquitlam, Canada. 20 players. 5 rounds.

1. GSC 4-0-1

  1. CSM 4-1

  2. Black Templars 3-0-2

  3. Necrons (CC) 4-1

  4. Aeldari 4-1

  5. Space Wolves (Ironstorm) 4-1

Throne of War GT. Honolulu, HI. 21 players. 5 rounds.

1. Space Wolves (Stormlance) 4-1

  1. Dark Angels (Vanguard) 4-1

  2. Tau 4-1

  3. Necrons (Hypercypt) 4-1

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My Takeaways:

This weekend with the unnerfed strat Necrons won 6 of 12 GTs, including the largest one. 73 players or 11% of the field making them the most played faction of the weekend. 61% win rate overall with CC having a 61% win rate and Hypercrypt having a 62%. 28 of their 73 players went X-0/X-1, that’s 38% of their players! But how much of that is the strat?

Black Templars had a 60% win rate this weekend and had 30% of their players go X-0/X-1. They did not win an event but they do seem to have a high floor for wins.

CSM and Aeldari seem to have fallen out of first and second place with CSM having a 56% weekend win rate and winning an event. Aeldari did not win an event this weekend only the second time since the Data Slate that they did not win an event.

For codex Space Marines only Ironstorm and Vanguard seem to have play as their overall win rate this weekend was 41%. The 4th worst of the weekend but Ironstorm had a 47% win rate and 2 X-1 placings while Vanguard had a 44% win rate this weekend.

Space Wolves and a good weekend with and overall 50% win rate while Ironstorm Wolves had a 48% win rate and 2 top placings this weekend.

Votann won an event this weekend and had a 49% win rate this weekend. They do seem to be trending down towards 50% win rate after starting higher after the DS changes. 4 other players went X-1. A good spot to be in?

Ad Mec had another nice weekend with a 52% win rate and 4, X-1 placings. The playstyle might bankrupt you but it does seem effective.

GSC over the last few weeks seem to be having a little resurgence with a 44% win rate for their 5 players and one of them winning a small GT.

GK won another GT and had a 47% win rate this weekend.

Custodes fell back down to a 43% win rate and 1, X-1 finish.

World Eaters won the second biggest GT of the weekend and 5 other X-1 finishes. With a 53% win rate this weekend.

Lets talk the DS. GW finds themselves in a pickle with the Necrons catching a large nerf right before it comes out. So who knows how they shake out now but they, Ad Mec and World Eaters seem to have brought CSM and Aeldari down somewhat this last month. Now I still think Aeldari and CSM need to be looked at but maybe the Meta was adapting? Many expect that they will get hit hard and if GW is unsure they probably still should be right?

Now I think its clear that Drukhari, Imperial Knights, Chaos Daemons, Custodes and GSC need help. Some more than others. The real question is do Guard, Nids and SM need help? SM is tricky because any point cuts will just push Black Templars and other top SM lists. Nids and Guard both seem to need just a little help, what that is I am not sure. What do you think?

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