[REVIEW] Kiwi Lime Large Arco Tote from Nancy, Factory unknown

I want to start with a similar disclaimer I added to my last post: Please do not listen to me, please do not take my advice. I am an idiot. Not only do I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to assessing the authenticity of my bags, but I'm totally frivolous, as you will see and completely irresponsible, as you will read. I have also only worked with one other seller aside from Nancy. The other seller responds like every two weeks to let me know they haven't died and confirm they are still making my rep 18K Carter ring. Interaction is limited.

My reviews are more of a candid take on many aspects within this experience. I hope to continue writing about it because:

  1. I probably need an outlet. Arguably more friends. Definitely a hobby.
  2. And there might be others out there, like myself, who wonder if a stroke inducing massive BV tote is right for them.

So without further ado, I give you: my tumultuous relationship with my capacious BV tote and my growing relationship with Nancy boo.


None. I fucking wish.

I told Nancy, like a child yearning for their parents approval, that my other post was well received. Her response: "thx"


However, somewhat in line with my previous comment about possibly needing to expand my social circle, we've struck up an odd little friendship. If nothing else scroll to the bottom for the misadventures of Nancy and Stoned.

Seller/Contact Info


Whatsapp: +1 (323) 515-0104

Album 1

Album 2Album 3Album 4


$320 (she covers shipping, I pay by wise, she uses Fedex. Gets to me in a week. It's terrible it totally feeds a habit)


06/18/2023- Gave a list of a bunch of shit

06/24/2023- Items arrive from factory/PSP sent

06/25/2023- GL with shipping label made

07/02/2023- items arrive

PicturesMy Photos

Here + Model shot of me plastered at the Ritz on Fourth of July


so I had to log out of my What's App and there is an entire portion of my conversation missing with the PSP shots, I can't access them. I know, https://imgur.com/a/n62BUjf

Factory Pictures


● Authentic Link and Pictures

it's a fucking fantasy bag, more on this later Here I original wrote this thinking it was a fantasy bag but u/Alert-Turnip-9620 is amazing and was able to find it. u/alert-turnip-9620 said it was actually pretty easy to find, but they are not giving themselves enough credit. Obviously it was very difficult, and not related to me being lazy at all.

So please enjoy the following chaotic review of me turning my wheels based on it being a fantasy bag and then discovering that it does in fact exist.

Quality 8/10

So the first thing out of the box is that the thing smells beautiful. It reminds me of those tiny leather shops in Rome where you get pickpocketed as a tourist. It's also heavy as fuck. I can't weigh it on my scale, thats for um counting macros, but it's gotta be like a solid two pounds. But out of the gate, I can tell from both the exterior and the interior suede that it's nice leather.

Then I noticed what I didn't like: the bag definitely does not sit up well. This is something I struggle with because I cannot for the life of me find many photos of this in real life. Even in other colors it's not shown out in the wild. I do not know if this is how the bag is normally or a by product of being a rep, but god forbid I have to use my other hand to keep the bag open while shoving in stolen Ritz-Carlton towels.

Basically it will sag or fall over when placed on the base. I have an authentic massive stroke inducing Gucci tote that does that same thing and haven't burned it yet, so I'll live- but the photos are definitely deceiving about it's structure. It was suggested to me that I get an insert for the bag, which is honestly a wonderful idea as this brings me to another issue = there is no lining. Even in the authentic, which you can see in the images, there's nothing keeping even your keys, or in my case my meds, from slipping through the slats. overall I take -2 for the design, rep or real.

But things that I think this bag does really well: not give a fuck. I got something that has really really beautiful craftsmanship in terms of the stitching and the leather quality, and so in terms of just assessing it as a tote, out of context of it being a rep, the thing is beautiful. It's so much as a bag that it serves.

Accuracy: Well fuck if i know at this point, but I guess an 8/10 surprisingly

Never mind. It's real. Turns out men love kiwi. I was previously very content with having a non existent color cus it made my job writing about it a lot easier. Plus I haven't gone back to BV and looked at Arco totes. I'm saving my trips because realistically, I can only go back in maybe two more times before I have to actually buy something or someone calls the cops.

UGHHHHHHHH. My poor three remaining brain cells, but here we go:

Size Auth Rep
Height 34.5 cm 34 cm
Width 46 cm 46 cm
Depth 11 cm 11.43 cm (I think this is kinda hard to measure cus its a little subjective of where one measures the depth of the bag...
Strap drop 18 cm 17.78 cm

So the measurements are pretty spot on. I should add that any discrepancy is definitely due to the fact that I don't care and I'm only measuring this for you guys. It's also slouchy so like the .5 cm differences is arguably data collection error from dangling it in one hand and holding a measuring tape in the other.

But the main noticeable difference is that this thing is slouchy while the authentic online looks like it needs a drink- mine is wasted in comparison. Personally, I have come to like this as it serves the functionality of my life and the slouchy edition will hold more towels than you think. Still deduction. -2 until I fondle the real one.

Rep Satisfaction Rating: 9/10

I fucking hated this bag when I first got it. Mostly because when I first opened it, I instantly remembered that my favorite color wasn't Shrek jizz. I also did not realize this was a "mans" bag and was shocked at how heavy it was. I am also appalled that I have only received one complaint, but thrilled that it was from my mail lady as I was walking into the house.

However, once I realized I could carry a semi truck in it or get hit by a semi truck carrying it, I changed my tune pretty quick. I also quickly learned that is a far more summer/uplifting color than I thought. What I initially assumed wouldn't translate well in public for fear of blinding people, has actually been incredibly chic.

Seller Satisfaction Rating: 0/10 for my fellow rep ladies, 10/10 for me personally as I'm a masochist

So I initially joined this sub AFTER I received my first order from Nancy. I never did any research as I was gifted an item from her arsenal, loved it, and started buying more.

I became obsessed with not only feeding my little rat brain urges for a fraction of the price but also trying to figure out if their were stolen goods or like products that didn't make the cut. Hence trying to butter Nancy up with writing a review- which has sorta worked...

the following is a summery of what it is like to work with her/what I have learned.

To begin with, I have come to learn that Nancy is not for the faint of heart. And that is not a commentary on y'alls expectations/standards- but it sure as shit is a fair warning to those who have had agents/sellers with an ounce of customer service.

I'm going to start with the cons/reality of working with her:

  1. She does not give a shit who you are, how much you're spending or if you try desperately to get on her good side by inviting her to come visit you- she knows she has access to the goods, and isn't interested in foreplay.
  2. Through my incessant desire to get her to like me and uncover how many children have died for my purses, I have had a few conversations with her since my last post. I have come to learn:
    1. That she has been doing this for 20 years (pro)
    2. Her primary customers are on mainland china (pro)
    3. And because of this she was very confused by me asking the factory name. I would love to hear if this is bullshit or not, but basically she was like, and please note this is paraphrased: "Yes. My favorite customer who I love so much and would never be short with, those are factories and big name factories that have gained a lot of attention- but it's not the ACTUAL name of the factory. Us folks in china don't go around calling it God Factory or 187. We have contacts who work at factories, most of the time the information is kept very private so to remain competitive, and information like that isn't shared so people don't get murdered" Apparently its super illegal to do illegal things in China. (con)

So my point is, if you want a seller who will tell you the factory they are getting your bag from, don't go to Nancy- she's not going to tell you. Or she'll just tell you whatever you want to hear. I really would love to hear if anyone else has experienced this from other agents- because the more I read and learn the more I am finding that there are some very well vetted factories on this sub but also some hidden gems which remain a secret.


  1. Her quality is dope. I had another user ask me to compare the BV padded cassette strap from "Jing Factory" with mine- and theirs had some very obvious stitching on it that reveled it was a rep. I actually found two different sellers photos, and you can see what im talking about: here
  2. She doesn't fuck around. Her primary clients are costumers in China, who are well versed with the rep market. There people know how to obtain a rep bag the same way I know where there's parking in LA.

Okay so as much as I kvetch about her attitude she's really good about fixing my complaints. I've brought issues to her and she'll send new ones or refund it. This has only happened once with some shorts that I reordered. But they were the EXACT same shorts, my friends just wanted them. So come on Nancy- take the 30 seconds to respond to my good morning texts and just open factory items to compare them. I didn't think I would have to bug you for PSP on an item I already ordered.

Also be prepared to put your foot down if you don't approve of PSP, I am speaking from experience on a different item. I basically was like no that goyard bifold is not Barbie Pink Nancy its Salmon. Send its ass back DO YOU KNOW WHAT SUMMER THIS IS? And she will do it, but like I said you have to be very clear and say "WRONG COLOR", none of this "color is a little off" shit.

I continue to promote her, cus clearly I don't know any better. But simultaneously I truly stand by the quality I have received. I grew up in LA and every 8 year old named Salma or Amilá Earhart carried their lunch in a fendi peek-a-boo so my experience with luxury items actually far outweighs my rep knowledge.

But please message me with any negative experiences, or tag me in your post if you review a purchase and the seller satisfaction from Nancy is low. I am very comfortable taking responsibility for recommending her, but I am not okay with continuing to promote a seller who is deceptive, overly priced, too difficult to work with, or refuses to send me a graduation gift for free.

CPR [Cost Performance Ratio] - 9/10

Whats really sold me on this thing is how much leather there is for the price. Simultaneously, it's like 4K and apparently for men- men who love kiwi- so I don't know who is going to look at this and know immediately it's a rep. But one of the blessings of BV is that many of their products are pretty understated. Unless you follow fashion, its iconic woven textures are not as identifiable compared to something with printed logos. I see a lot of the canvas Christian Dior bags, which I have mixed feelings about it. But as someone who wears a pair of designer shoes and a real Rolex, sometimes I only want my wrist cut off instead of being kidnapped entirely.

This is great if youre trying to pass it off as real around someone who knows BV, cus there's no fucking way you'll be able to clock this as a replica. ITS AN ELUSIVE PHANTOM BAG THAT I CANNOT FIND PICS OF. This will probably fail, just due to how floppy it is around someone who REALLY knows BV. On the other hand if you're trying to pass off a rep handbag as a 4k tote to someone who doesnt know a thing about fashion- this bag isn't really going to do it.

It's not immediately obvious that it's even imitating a 4k bag. It just seems like a unique piece.

So if you want a really big, summer bag that will require two security personal to carry you and it out of the hotel- this is great Also look into some of the other colors cus they are more...subtle. .

The Wrap Up (required)

0/10 would not let the sales person handle this thing. If you have seen my other post you'll know why.

Basically I've done this. Brought a rep into a show room, claiming ignorance. And while it went surprisingly well, going back in there with what could be an obvious rep is not a good idea. My whole dead mom story just isn't going to fly again.

At the same time. I give it a growing 8/10 as it's begun to wedge its little kiwi shit folds into my heart. I really wanted a summer tote that I could carry a toddler in and this does the job. Just make sure that the toddler doesn't slip through the cracks. -2 for child endangerment.

So all of that to say this post is a hybrid review plus some little details I've picked up along the way. Would love to hear thoughts or just talk to me. Cus Nancy is getting sick of it.