I haven’t received my VA disability payment for February yet, and there’s no scheduled payment for March either.

I’ll preface this with I am a US Army veteran living overseas in South Korea.

I noticed on Feb 3rd that I hadn’t received my VA disability payment yet, so I called the overseas VA number. They said everything had happened as planned, and that the money was successfully deposited. But when I look at my Navy Federal account, there is no history of a deposit happening. NFCU has no knowledge of said payment and said that it would show up on upcoming deposits. I called the VA again and they keep saying everything is processed as normal, I verified all my info and nothing was changed. The VA rep advised me that I should do a tracer payment, two weeks later and I have yet to get that payment. And now that March is close by, there is no upcoming deposit coming either. The VA didn’t call me, or email me, or mail me, anything. There’s nothing overdue and everything is apparently going as normal.

I’m in financial crisis right now and I don’t know what else I can do, I’ve exhausted all my options and I feel like I’m heading towards the ground. Does anyone have advice or know what’s happening?