My husband has debts he never told me before

Before getting married (last year) he (48 yo) never told me (28yo) he had big thousands debts in credit card. He made me think we would have certain lifestyle he’s not able to afford (nothing fancy just a normal middle class life). After getting married he starts telling me he has big credit card debts because of his ex girlfriend (he gave her more than 60k in less than one year) and now he can barely afford a 200 dollars dinner for example. I told him I felt deceived cause where I am from (I live in the US but not American) we’re very open about our financial life before and after getting married. He told me he had no obligation in telling me about his financial life before getting married. I don’t agree with that but I know the american culture is different. I really would like to know (more specific for americans) is it normal? He keeps hiding me his financial situation. I don’t know for example exactly how much money he makes a month/year, I asked to see the debts to make sure it is the amount he tells me and I’d also like to know what he bought to explain that big number of debt but he says he won’t show me and that he has no obligation to show. Is it normal? Do I have rights to know about his financial life or not?

PS: Seems like I don’t live in a community property state so looks like I don’t need to pay his debts. What concerns me more is the lie and not the fear about paying his debts. PS 2: even being in a bad financial position now he doesn’t stop buying his marvel toys. Another thing: he promised me he would pay me health insurance and never did. I still ask about it and he says he’s searching.