A large creator stole my content from TikTok, posted it to Twitter, and now has millions of views
Her Twitter bio literally has a link to “tip” her for her content… I’m a much smaller account on tiktok, just one of my post blew up. But she took it and now it has over 3 million views on Twitter. Her account has over 300k followers. I‘ve essentially been spamming people who interact with her tweet that she stole it from me. There is no way she hasn’t seen all my responses and how I want it taken down.
This shows that she’s just a horrible person and refuses to take it down because she knows she can steal from someone who doesn’t have as large of a following and get away with it.
I’m so angry. What a horrible person. I’m literally considering legal action because of how angry I am and how she has hundreds of thousands of followers and monetizes OTHER people’s content. It isn’t right. Again, what a horrible human being. Her parents failed.