ISO: Cardiac Sonography Job
My boyfriend and I recently moved to Vancouver from Toronto, we both had jobs secured before moving here. Unfortunately, the job that my boyfriend secured mislead him on the amount of hours and instead of full time it’s actually only 1 day per week. He’s a Cardiac Sonographer and it seems like all the positions here are for dual certified general and cardiac which he is not.
He’s applied to every job posting he can find, including cardiac research positions (this was his previous career before going to sonography), and many other unrelated positions. He has yet to hear back from anyone after a month of applying. While I have access to VCH internal postings, does anyone have access to Fraser health internal that would be willing to refer him? He’s registered with sonography Canada, has great references and work experience.
Advice on getting a job in either private clinics or the health authorities is welcome!! Thanks so much.