Electrical ALMOST done (troubleshooting time)

Finally got most all of my electrical put together, everything is getting power which is good just a couple things to get ironed out.

If anyone has a LiTime Battery Monitor (3rd img) PLEASE tell me how to program it.

I lost my manual and the lovely people over at litime decided instead of publishing PDFs of their product manuals for anyone to download, you need to manually message their customer service to get them. (closed on weekends of course)

I've set the bank size to 300ah and charge to 14.4 but I don't know what to set the values for the 3 or 4 other settings are. (Empty, atten %, something else) Bank setup is 3x 100ah LiTime LiPo batteries I can either get the monitor to read 0% or 100% charge and it might only be detecting the power drawn from lighting the screen.

Other than that, the ink bird temperature controller emits an earsplittingly loud beep and doesn't read the temperature which is really fun.

Safe travels friends.