Having a hard time with Regulation G. Trying to see the fun in it but it’s tedious and teams are uncreative. Thoughts?
Hey there,
I’d like to gather everyone else’s thoughts here on Regulation G and perhaps get some help. Before I start I’d like to actually partake in a genuine discussion and would appreciate good feedback, so “skill issue” troll comments will be ignored.
I feel like Regulation G is devoid of any creativity. You see the same 15 Pokemon in constant rotation and teams appear to be very cookie cutter. Constant pivots, cheesy one button nuke moves with Astral Barrage, Glacial Lance with redirects and pivots to avoid their cherished nuke getting knocked out. Terrain battles, constant flipping and spread moves, and don’t forget Miraidon.. it gets annoying battling the same Pokemon. I liked Reg H better.
I also feel frustrated feeling like I have to use the same 10 or so pokemon to counter these power creep pokemon. First turns are vital, if you don’t get the nuke off first, or the fake out, or the trick room, you lose. It snowballs badly from there. My most recently frustrating battle was with a person who kept redirect spamming to set up Shadow Rider, I’d wide guard, they’d fail, they’d switch, and start all over again. It’s a weird war of attrition.
Anyways, enough of my complaining. I’ve been trying to use off meta pokemon. I’ve found mild success with Revavroom with flying Tera. He’s a decent check for Fairies, Grass and Ice types, but the rest of my core balance team can’t catch up. Are you guys often finding yourselves setting up with calm minds, etc, or do you typically focus on hyper offense and or immediate fake outs and setting terrains first?
I think my issue is my pacing and getting my turn started. I’ll try and fake out.. Farig comes in and blocks. Cheesy predictable tailwind or trick room sets up. Clayrex comes out, who will not be out sped, and nukes. It takes three turns max for this to happen and it’s just kind of annoying. I’ve been able to counter them and climb to around 1290s but I get hard stuck there badly.
I’m happy to share my team stats. My team with the most success has been Revavroom, Urshifu RS, Incin, Rillaboom, Zamazenta and a switch between Tornadus and Pelipper.