ranked needs a change.
im currently stuck in bronze because every game i seem to get i have an awful team. i only get hardstuck enemies, and ACTUALLY bronze teammates, and its so unbelievably annoying because it makes it literally impossible to rank up. when i play unrated, its fine, all games are equally matched (in my experience) and i tend to win if i play well and lose if i don't. but in ranked, unless i play absolutely perfectly and get a 4k without dying every round we lose because my team either doesn't push site, goes afk, or cries in chat about how they are "the best player" as the 3/29 raze at the bottom of the scoreboard who has used their grenade once and has used no other util the whole game. i just think that valorant could do with a change to ranked, whether that be better filtering for ranked play or a level 50 requirement for ranked. I know i shouldn't expect much from bronze but come on, people in ranked should at least know what clove ult does (many bronze teammates have thrown easy wins because they just turn their back to an ulting clove then scream in vc about how cloves cheating). this was my 3 cents, and im sorry if i was a little bit angry, but its just very very annoying when a game i think has a really cool gameplay loop and concept, is ruined by terrible players.