Not an adbut this company rocks

So like 99.9% of us, I didn't get 100% right away but I wanted to get there. A feeling we all share. I had a buddy who had just got 100% and I asked him how he did it. He said he used a company called VBG(veterans benefit guide). I got set up with them and they got me to 100% as well. They've now gotten 3 of my coworkers to 100%. (Only 3 of my coworkers have connected with them) they're not the cheapest in town but you don't pay unless you get the increase. I recommend not going with them until you're at 80 or 90% because it's 2k per 10% increase. You use their doctors who in my personal experience are the best to get you a higher rating. The company has the paperwork all ready for the doc so it's super quick and easy. They also don't want to add new claims to your record. They only want to use what's already there and then get the maximum percentage for each one of those claims which is another reason to not go until you have at least 5 or 10 different claims on the books.