I knew it all along
I see you now. I see how you breadcrumbed me. It’s ok. You pretended to miss me, you told me things only at certain points to keep me around. That’s fine. Today you were finally honest. And I’m ok with it. I’m not even sad. I am at peace. You see, you always got upset when i wouldn’t tell you I hope you’re happy, claiming I was angry. I’m not, nor have I been. I was in love with you. But the dream is over. At this point caring whether you’re happy or doing good is not my concern. You become a stranger I put in the back of my mind and eventually forget about.
I’ve had a couple exs who were very open and honest up front and we remain strictly platonic friends to this day, but you. I never want to be a part of you. I don’t want to be a presence in your life anymore. I spent 6 months enduring your anger towards me and then love and then anger again. I found my peace in your silence and I now move forward, not in search of anyone else. But into my happiness. My person will come, and they won’t hit me or take the things I open up about and use them against me. They’ll be able to have mature conversations with me. I know this now, and I finally see it. So C, normally I would say "Auf wiedersehen," but since what "auf wiedersehen" actually means is "'till I see you again", and since I never wish to see you again, to you, I say goodbye!