Things you wished you knew or were taught when you became an NCO?
For context I'm a newly pinned Corporal with 4 years TIS, 7212 to be for my next mos. Prior 0311. Trying to set myself apart from so many shit head NCOs in the Corps, and actually make a good lasting impression on Marines I'll be in charge of at my next duty station.
When it comes to my leadership style. I like to lead from the front, where If you're embracing the suck with whatever we're tasked out to do, I wanna be right there embracing the suck with you, and if we absolutely crush it and kick ass during a field of or culminating event with no issues, Hey I'll go down to the commissary and buy a few racks of energy drinks as a reward for the guys. One thing I'll always do is reward good work in some way!
See, I like to actually treat my marines like grown ass men, and try to be good mentor / teach them about the following. (Maintaining MOS proficiency, staying on top of physical fitness, as well as good conduct on and off duty)... Not be an incompetent asshole who likes fuck with them and make them do dumb shit for no reason... Unless they piss me off by doing something really stupid to deserve it... Then standby for a very gay heinous PT session on Monday.
And yeah I get it to there's always gonna be that one turd in the platoon that can't be fixed no matter how much damage control is used. Group punishment and individual punishment both have its place. It all depends on the scenario...
PFC Schmuckatelli who's married and lives off base oversleeps, is UA all morning, shows up to work at 1100 then tries to lie about why he was late / UA. Does it make sense to fuck up everyone because of him? Noooo... Big ass chewing, negative counseling, or 6105 just for him....
But if PFC Schmuckatelli loses his PVS-14s during a field op and doesn't say anything and tries to lie about loosing them during EDL checks. Does it make sense to fuck up everyone else along with him? Yes! Big ass chewing for everyone. Because we were all there together on this field op, and his peers weren't holding him or each other accountable with checking EDL... So hey 05 tomorrow at the bricks, boots utes, 50 pound mainpack, glowbelt, water source, one of you fuckers who lives in the bricks go find a heavy log!