We see a lot of people blaming companies/managers, but what are the horror stories of employees?
We hired an assistant in admin for basic data entry. The job involves taking phone calls. We hired a new grad, they were informed of the job role and it was easy chilled job with very little responsibility, after taking the job they refused to do phone calls because they have anxiety and don’t feel comfortable taking calls.
We had to ask another employee to take in this task for a while. The new hire was let go shortly after, ofc they weren’t happy and was confused as to why they were let go just for not taking phone calls.
The phone call is about 30% of the job, and without talking to clients, it was difficult to do the data entry as it involves talking to clients on the phone then input the data. New grad had to communicate with the other worker who took on the calls and info gets lost in between as you can imagine.